Integrated Waste Management

Municipal Reject Waste

Reject waste are mainly the process rejects from the wet and dry waste and are non-recyclable in nature. It is very important to dispose the reject waste in a safe and scientific method. We offer pick up services to dispose off your rejects at the government authorized landfills or incineration facilities.

Construction and Demolition Waste

Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste constitute a significant waste stream of the growing urban areas. Construction and Demolition materials consist of the debris, concrete, tiles, bricks, drywall, asphalt, plastics, metals, wood, rocks etc generated from the construction, renovation and demolition of buildings, roads, and bridges. These construction waste materials are often inert and non-biodegradable, heavy, bulky and overload landfills. Construction waste recycling and management involves the process and separation of salvaging the recoverable waste materials for recycling and reuse. Earth Recycler provides ideal solution for C&D waste by partnering with various industries to recycle the different types C&D Waste. Our expert team makes sure to train segregation at source and divert almost all the recoverable materials and provide a sustainable solution.

Biomedical Waste

As a holistic solution provider for municipal solid waste, Earth Recycler has tied up with authorized biomedical waste treatment company for safe disposal of biomedical waste. We provide our clients a one stop solution for all municipal solid waste management requirements